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Laksari Lab GitHub:

vascular segmentation

Vascular Segmentation

Link to publications:

  • A. Deshpande, J. Elliott, B. Jiang, P. Tahsili Fahadan, C. Kidwell, M. Wintermark, K. Laksari (2023), “End to end stroke triage using cerebrovascular morphology and machine learning”, Frontiers in Neurology. [link]

  • A. Deshpande, J. Elliott, N. Kari, B. Jiang, P. Michel, N. Toosizadeh, P. Tahsili Fahadan, C. Kidwell, M. Wintermark, K. Laksari, (2022), “Novel imaging markers for altered cerebrovascular morphology in aging, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease”, Journal of Neuroimaging, [link

  • A. Deshpande, N. Jamilpour, B. Jiang, C. Kidwell, M. Wintermark, K. Laksari, (2021), “Automatic Segmentation, Feature Extraction and Comparison of Healthy and Stroke Cerebral Vasculature”, NeuroImage: Clinical, 102573. [link]


Link to codes on GitHub: 


Physics-informed UNets for discovering hidden elasticity in heterogeneous materials

Link to publications:

  • A. Kamali, K. Laksari (2024), "Physics-informed UNets for discovering hidden elasticity in heterogeneous materials", Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 150, 106228. [link]


Link to codes on GitHub: 

material characterization

Elasticity Imaging Using Physics-informed Neural Networks (PINN)

Link to publications:

  • A. Kamali, M. Sarabian, K. Laksari, (2022), “Elasticity Imaging Using Physics-informed Neural Networks: Spatial Discovery of Elastic Modulus and Poisson's Ratio”, Acta Biomaterialia. [link]


Link to codes on GitHub:

brain injury prediction

Head impact kinematics emulator

Link to publications:

  • P. Arrue, N. Toosizadeh, H. Babaee, K. Laksari, (2020), “Low-rank representation of head impact kinematics: A data-driven emulator”, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. [link]


Link to codes on GitHub:

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